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Allen Brewster

Portrait of Allen Brewster, Temple Beth Sholom president, 1994-1995
Portrait of Allen Brewster, Temple Beth Sholom president, 1994-1995

Allen Brewster (1921-2009) was the founder of King David Mortuary in Las Vegas, Nevada. Born in Yonkers, New York, Brewster grew up during the Great Depression and served in the U.S. Army during World War II. An executive at Palm Mortuary since 1978, he recognized the need for traditional Jewish burial services and helped to develop Las Vegas' first Jewish burial garden. Brewster founded King David Mortuary in 2001 and also helped create the Chesed Indigent Burial Fund, which assists families who cannot otherwise afford Jewish burial services. He served as director and vice president of the Jewish Family Service Agency and was the first recipient of its Tzedakah Award in 2008. Brewster also served as president of Temple Beth Sholom from 1994-1995.


"Allen Brewster Obituary." Las Vegas Review-Journal. Accessed January 27, 2016. 

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