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Box 19, LLB, 3, SCA Main Stacks, Standard Shelf [Aisle: 3, Section: 9, Shelf: 2], MS--00290, Minsky's Burlesque Records
Drafts for the
Las Vegas Sentinel Voice
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"Who's On Conservatism", on the USSR's Gorbachev ridding country of conservatives, approximately 1980 to 1995
"At Other's Expense", on New York Mayor Ed Koch's policies, approximately 1980 to 1995
"The Nurturing", thoughts on hunting season, the World Series, and football, approximately 1980 to 1995
"The Invisible People: Even In Disaster", on the 1988 PEPCON explosion in Henderson, Nevada, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Bashing Spring Bash Themes", on the Allied Arts Masque Ball "Gone With the Wind" theme, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Reds", on Americans welcoming Russians with VIP treatment, while minorities continue to be mistreated, approximately 1980 to 1995
"To Spite Our Faces", on the consequences of individual actions on others' votes, approximately 1980 to 1995
"All That Chaz", on the 1980 Las Vegas Chaz Nightclub not allowing Black individuals, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Forgiving, Forgetting, and Payoffs", on the U.S. Navy shooting down Iranian airliner, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Force-Feeding Democracy", on the 25th Anniversary of 1963 March on Washington, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Expanding the Possibilities", on Jesse Jackson's 1987 presidential candidacy, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Sure, I'm Sensitive", on "Willie B" free at last, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Privacy In Health Care", on the lack of privacy of health care in public places, approximately 1980 to 1995
"The Return of Al Jolson", on undercover LVMPD officers wearing blackface, approximately 1980 to 1995
"The Unlikely Look Alike", on contests that exclude major segments of population, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Apologies Across The Board", on Las Vegas fire chief publicizing excellent work ethic of LDS firefighters, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Days Gone By", on childhood memories of respect filled stories of ancestors, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Days Gone By", on Black history and Civil Rights Movement, approximately 1980 to 1995
"I Miss Saigon", on how lead roles should feature actors of varying races, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Trick or Treat, Slave or Free", on Halloween and Nevada Day, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Before Montezuma", on how throughout history prominent leaders were slave owners, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Jubilee", on Christmas during the author's youth, and before and after the end of slavery in the U.S., approximately 1980 to 1995
"I Remember Rosa", on Rosa Parks' act of courage, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Resolved", on New Year's resolutions, approximately 1980 to 1995
"End of an Era", on Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall's resignation, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Hark", the author's memories of Natchez, Mississippi Christmas decades past, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Let's Celebrate", on Independence Day shortcomings for minorities, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Mixed Signals", on Coach Tarkanian and NCAA, approximately 1980 to 1995
"They and We and They", on Victor Hugo's Les Miserables and the NCAA, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Stupid", on the real America is not free and equal, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Jingle", Christmas memories of author's childhood in Natchez, Mississippi, approximately 1980 to 1995
"The Closed Open", on PGA Tournaments being closed to Blacks, approximately 1980 to 1995
"We the People", on what the Fourth of July holiday means to the Black community, approximately 1980 to 1995
"All Work and No Pay", on University systems' failure to reward certain faculty, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Please Don't Print This (It Might Upset Someone)", on the death of Charles Bush in Las Vegas, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Working", on the high rate of Black unemployment, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Hidden Heroes", on Confederate statues and Martin Luther King, Jr., approximately 1980 to 1995
"Our History", on the need for more Black history courses, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Collecting Family History", on Black families in the United States and family reunions, approximately 1980 to 1995
"This Bud's for You", the author's Mother's Day tribute to his mother, Miss Had, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Some General Observations on the Subject of Discrimination at UNLV", on UNLV, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Martin Luther King, Jr. and the American Dream", on George Washington and Martin Luther King, Jr. comparisons, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Black History: Lost Stolen or Strayed Twenty Years Later", on Black reality not significantly improved 20 years later, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Black History Month: Part II", on Black stereotypes perpetuated and Black accomplishments ignored, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Billy Bob and Leroy", on a different future for Black veterans as opposed white counterparts, approximately 1980 to 1995
"Say It Ain't So", on the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. on author's birthday, approximately 1980 to 1995
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