Table of showroom patrons. Annotation: "The New Town Tavern Showroom 1982, Debra Holder, Valora Bush, Dalora Bush, Mrs. Elouise Bush".
Members of the First Annual Invitational Benefit Golf Tournament held November 28 and 29, 1957. Annotation: "1957, Valley View Golf Club members, photo of the First Invitational Golf Tournament, the names of the members are listed in the souvenir program."
Gaming floor of El Morocco Club. Annotation: "1961 El Morocco Table Games, 21 dealers are Elmer Cotton and Elijah Green as casino manager Q. B. Bush (white shirt, dark jacket) looks on, Morocco ad 29 x 23 1/2".
El Morocco Casino's Keno Board. Limit was $10,000. Keno checker is Wilbert Harris; Keno writer Willie Gomez; Casino manager Q. B. Bush (pointing). Annotation: "1961, El Morocco Casino keno board when the limit was $10,000.00, keno checker Wilbert Harris, keno writer Willie Gomez, casino manager Q. B. Bush".
Entertainer Good Rocking Brown and Group at the El Morocco Showroom in 1961. Annotation: "1961, El Morocco Showroom, entertainer Good Rocking Brown and group".
Publicity photo. Annotation: "El Morocco 1963, Q. B., Clyde Watkins, Sonni Jones, Henry Bass, Junior Gillan (baseball -- L.A. Dodgers) rep for alcholpacs (?)" Junior Gillan (LA Dodgers, Hines Walker Co.)
El Morocco Club's Manager Q. B. Bush (left) with liquor representatives. Annotation: "El Morocco 1961, Q. B., Wardell, Budwiser District Sale Mgr. Dave, Junior Gillan (Hines Walker Co)".
El Morocco Club's slot machines in 1961, prior to seating being available to slot players. Annotation: "1961, El Morocco 1961 slot machine players before seating was available to slot players".
Q. B. and Elouise Bush's 1957 wedding reception was held at the New Town Tavern. Annotation: "1957, the wedding reception of Mr. & Mrs. Q. B. Bush at the New Town Tavern. The bride and groom cut the cake".
Groom and Bride, Q. B. and Elouise join guests at their wedding reception at the New Town Tavern. Annotation: "1957, Elouise and Q. B.'s wedding reception in the New Town Tavern".