Color group portrait photograph of the Goynes family, dated 2005. Left to right, back row: Bobby Ray Owens, III, Pamela Goynes Brown, Lydia Goynes, Joi Goynes, Byron Goynes holding Joshua Goynes, Kimberly Goynes, Mahlia Posey; front row: Michael Owens, Naomi Goynes, and Theron Goynes.
Black and white portrait photograph of Naomi Goynes, Tennessee, dated 1955.
Tinted color portrait photograph of Theron Goynes as a United States Air Force aviation cadet, dated 1952.
Black and white photograph of Naomi and Theron Goynes as a young couple in Arkansas, dated May, 1957.
Color portrait photograph of Theron Goynes with son Byron Goynes, both members of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, circa 2010.
Tinted color portrait photograph of Theron Goynes as a young adult, circa late 1950s.
Black and white photograph of Principal Theron Goynes reading a book with Rose Warren Elementary School students, circa 1990.
Article by Adrienne Packer for Las Vegas Sun lauding the community contributions of Theron Goynes, dated June 19-21, 1998.
Black and white photograph of Muhammad Ali and Principal Theron Goynes (right) at Highland Elementary School, autographed "From Muhammad Ali."
Newsletter clipping honoring College of Southern Nevada Foundation Legacy of Achievement Award Honoree Theron Goynes, circa 2010. A clipping taped to the title reads "Theron & Naomi Goynes Education Scholarship."