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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, March/April 2000



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Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin Spring At Temple Beth Sholom... A Bar Mitzvah, A Fashion Show, A Passover Seder, Lots of Activities... Lots of Fun for All Ages! c w r * A Fashion Show to Benefit Our Educational Facilities, see page 28 Our new Preschool Director, see page 3 '?*'"* J L r j P i U A Reprise of "The Megillah According to Broadway", a Gourmet Kosher Family Seder, a Fashion Show, a new Preschool Director, and the list goes on. There is also alot of excitement at Temple Beth Sholom as we watch the progress of our new Temple Building. Mark Your C a l e n d a r ...April 19, 2 0 0 0 HW&BBBKk Temp(e Beth Sfio(om Cordially Invites TOIL T O Join Us At Our Kosher Family Seder First Night of Passover ? April 19, 2000 ? 5:30 pm The Four Seasons Hotel Enjoy A Gourmet Passover Feast Reading of the Haggadah Led by Rabbi Felipe Goodman and CantoriaC Soloist Philip Goldstein Afikomen Prizes for the Children Adults $75 per person ? Youth 12 and under $25 each Children 4 and under; no charge Call 804-1333 To Make Tour Reservation Temple Beth Sholom is a Conservative Congregation Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Visit us on our web page: INSIDE THIS ISSUE Message from the Rabbi, "Why Keep Kosher?" Message from Pres. Sandy Mallin Meet the New Preschool Director! From Our Religious School Director Mazel Tov to the B'nai Mitzvot! 5 - 7 The Megillah According to Broadway 8 Men's Club Projects 9 Women's League in Action 10 News for our Youth 1 1 - 1 4 Contributions 15 Of Interest to Everyone 16, 17, 27 Please support our advertisers! 1 8 - 2 3 Important Pesah Information 2 4 Events... Something for Everyone! 2 5 - 2 6 Meet Some of Our Newest Members 28 Our Fashion Show... and Brunch! March/April 2000 ? Adar 1 & 2 5760 w m m 27TH EDITION A Message From Rabbi Felipe Goodman Why Keep Kosher! There's a story about a man who went into a pet store and bought a bird that was guaranteed to talk. He came back to the pet store the very next day to com-plain, "He just won't talk! All he does is sit there." The manager said, "That's strange. Tell me, does he peck on the lit-tle bell?" "What do you mean, bell? I don't have a bell." "Oh, but you need a bell. I'm sorry, it was my oversight. You get up by a bell every morning, don't you? The bell goes off, you get started. The bird pecks on its bell, hears it, gets his day started." "How much is a bell?" "$8.95." "Give me a bell." The man returns the very next day and says, "I don't understand about my bird. He still doesn't sing and he won't talk." The manager says, "Does he climb his little lad-der?" "I don't have a ladder." "Oh, you need a ladder. Don't you exercise every morning? The bird needs exercise. That's the way he gets started. He pecks on his bell; he climbs up and down that little ladder. Blood circulates; he feels good. He's got something to sing and talk about." "How much is a ladder?" "They are $16.50." "Well, give me a ladder." Back again the next day, the guy says, "I'm disgusted. That bird still won't sing and he won't talk." The store manager asks, "Does he look in his little mirror?" The man says, "What do you mean, mir-ror?" "You look in a mirror, don't you? You feel good about yourself. That bird looks in the mirror, thinks he looks terrific and sings and talks." "I've got to have a mirror, huh? How much?" "They are $21.95." Next day, the same story. The man comes back and says, "I've had it with that bird." The store manager says, "Does he swing on his littie swing?" And the man says, "All right, give me a swing." The following day, he comes back with a sad look on his face. He shouts, "My bird is dead." "What do you mean, He's dead'" "Yes, he's dead; I know a dead bird when I see one. He turned his little feet to glory and he is just lying there as dead as he can be." "Tell me," the manager asks, "Did he ever sing? Did he ever talk?" "Yes," replied the man. "Just before he died he looked me right in the eye and said: FOOD!" We all need food. We've heard the expression, "You are what you eat," but it makes us bristle. It seems to suggest that we can be defined by what we ingest, just like animals. And we know there's more to us than satisfying our animal instincts like hunger. After all, isn't what comes out of our mouths infinitely more important than what goes in? Isn't 2 what we choose to say much more important than what we choose to eat' But the truth is that what we eat, and how, and when, say a great deal about us. What we eat tells others, and reminds us, of what we think is important. Some of us show our concern for the world in which we live by choosing not to eat animals. Others concentrate on eating plant products like grains that make the best use of the earth's resources. There are those who pay attention to how food is packaged, knowing that it takes trees to make cardboard, and that some materials used for packaging prove next to impossible to recycle. There are those who refuse to eat food produced by oppressive labor conditions. Do we choose what science tells us is healthful, and foods that correlate with healthy hearts and long lives? Do we pay attention to how much cholesterol and fat we eat, to the amount of sodium, to whether foods seem to be linked with protecting us from cancer? Do we binge, or do we try to starve ourselves to model slimness? Or do we eat and drink in moderation? Clearly what we eat often shows our value system. The Torah portion of Shmini which is one of the parashiot contained in Sefer Vayikra (The Book Of Leviticus) is the source for many of the laws of Kashrut, of the Jewish way of eating. People used to think that these laws were little more than a primitive attempt by our ancestors to eat foods that were safe and healthful. Perhaps an early version of our scientifically informed concern for health. But over the millennia, we as a people have discovered that these laws have meant much more, both to us and to the rest of the world. Throughout our his-tory, the Jewish people have been the source of much in the way of wisdom and ethical guidelines. Yet as early as the first centuries of the Common Era, the Rabbis observed that precisely laws like Kashrut have been what enables the Jewish people to survive. Without laws about what and how Jews eat, it is doubtful that we could have preserved our identity. Consider the holiday of Passover. Many Jews consider Pesah to be their favorite time of year. What would our observance of this holiday be without matzah? To say noth-ing of bitter herbs and haroset and matzah balls. Food serves as the very framework to discuss what being free is all about. As we eat matzah, our tradition encourages each one of us to ask: Am I really free? And if I am free, why should I choose to obey ancient laws, like the laws of Kashrut, especially if they aren't about keeping us healthy? Perhaps because freedom has as much to do with law as with license. Freedom without law is anarchy. Laws offer continued on page 14 urn urn ?ii^wMM'ini'M'*''"'^^ March/April 2000 / Adar I & Adar 2 5 760 Without laws about what and how Jews eat, it is doubtful that we could have preserved our identity. Meet Our New Preschool Director ... A Message From Sandy Maifin, TBS Please welcome Deborah Jensen to our Temple Beth Sholom staff. She is the new Preschool Director for the Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Education Center of Temple Beth Sholom that will open in the Fall of 2000. Deborah Jensen has been committed to excellence in early childhood education since 1986. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Georgia. She is currendy working towards her Master's degree. Deborah was the Director of Hallmark Academy in Las Vegas. At the Academy she helped create and maintain a preschool program for six years. Since then she served as their Regional Director, managing and motivating 140 teachers to pursue excellence in early childhood education. A published speaker, Deborah has been training preschool teachers and parents across the United States and Canada since 1994. She has been a frequent speaker for the National Child Care Association and a featured speaker for several preschool conventions on the state level. Deborah takes an active role in the Southern Nevada Association for the Education of Young Children. Our new Director is very excited about creating a "Jewish Preschool Education Program" that will allow children to experience Judaism as a matter of course, through a balanced curriculum of academics, culture, food, prayer, activities, and parent involvement. Deborah's first hand knowledge of her subject mat-ter can be attributed to her two sons, Daniel Jacob and Nicholas Alan. We welcome Deborah and wish her much success in this exciting endeavor. If you would like more information on registering your child at the new Education Center, contact Deborah at 804-1333. FROM THE PRESIDENT, SANDY MALLIN We all know the expression, "Time Flies," but at Temple Beth Sholom we have to ask, "how fast?" We are so fortunate to have dedicated committee members working on the many upcoming projects at Temple Beth Sholom. I hope you all can participate in the School Brunch & Fashion Show, chaired by Bridget Shuster and Marcy Saxe, or the wonderful Passover Seder at the Four Seasons, chaired by Shelley Carroll. And because time is flying so fast, we have formed an active mov-ing committee, chaired by Dr. Steve Saxe, with the help of Dr. Stanton Carroll and Jared Shafer. These men are taking on the responsibility of moving us into our new home by July. Our dedication ceremony will be most exciting and meaningful. In order to make this happen, Amy Boruszak and Arlene Blut have agreed to coordinate this special program. Many thanks to Mona Silverman for assuming the chairmanship of the all important Membership Committee and to Marci Murdock for working so closely with Deborah Jensen in order to start our wonderful new preschool. I have said many times before, the NEW Temple Beth Sholom will succeed in fulfilling the needs of our congregation due in large part to our hardworking Board of Directors, the many volunteers, and to you, our congregants! A VERY SPECIAL TODAH RABAH TO RENE FEIN STEIN FOR HER MOST GENEROUS DONATION TO OUR DEBBIE FRIEDMAN CONCERT! tt Are you interested in Jewish Education for the next generation? Q Please mark your calendar to join your family, friends and children at a Fun-Filled Spring Fashion Show on Sunday, April 16 at 11:00 am. at the Four Seasons. Our own Temple kids will be the stars, as they model the newest fashions for spring and summer, courtesy of "Brats." Tickets are $30 per adult; $10 per youth; children 4 and under are free. This is your opportunity to help outfit our new educational facilities. For those who can't make the event, please be generous in your support of our new educational facilities by enclosing your check Temple Beth Sholom Bul let in in the RSVP card. Questions? Call the office at 804-1333- 3 1 Religious School Education Update....From the Desk of Jacob Raijman For us, the Religious School is a place where children can live, breathe and discover their Judaism. m "RELIGIOUS SCHOOL, SUNDAY SCHOOL, HEBREW SCHOOL OR JEWISH LIFE?", Jacob Raijman, Education Director For many people the religious school is the complementary school for children that do not attend a Jewish day school. For others, it is the place where children learn how to read Hebrew and prepare for their Bar or Bat Mitzvah. While these are valid reasons for sending your child to a religious school; there are other reasons also. For our teaching staff, for Rabbi Goodman and for myself, it is more than reading Hebrew and having a beautiful Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony. For us it is a place where children can live, breathe and discover their Judaism. While this may not be a traditional way of viewing a religious school, it is our goal that every single child who attends our religious school walk with their head held high, proud to be Jewish. Education and fun are not enemies. On the contrary. Together these two can make the best team. They are the tools that we use to offer our children an interactive program. Temple Beth Sholom kids don't only read Hebrew; they read, they under-stand what they read and they start to speak Hebrew. For them, Hebrew is not only another language, but a part of their inheritance which they receive from our ancestors. We use a variety of innovative didactic methods: games, rallies, art, movies, music, dance, etc. The teacher does not just stand in front of the classroom and lecture, they make Judaism come alive for the students. Probably saying this sounds very simplistic, but if we give the children the opportunity to breathe Judaism, at home, at the Temple and in the Religious, Sunday or Hebrew School it will be a big step towards the continuity of our people. ^ ^ Mazel Tov! ^ f l M ^ n In the tradition of his ancestors, Joseph Samuel Ruderman, son of HH Lynn and Lawrence Ruderman, was called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, March 18, 2000. Joseph is a 7th grade student at Becker Middle School. He enjoys playing the violin. Computers and video games are also some of his after-school activities. Phoebe, his Boston Terrier keeps him on the go! Sharing in his Simcha were his proud grandparents, Corinne and Morton Schecter; Trudy and Abe Ruderman. Joseph, we wish you the very best on this auspi-cious occasion in your life. Mazel Tov! Nathan Adam Vaisbort was born in Bismarck, North Dakota on January 11, 1986. Two years ago he moved to Las Vegas with his family. He is an 8th grade honors student at Molasky Junior High School. He has a brown belt in Taek Won Do, plays the guitar and enjoys playing with brother Matthew and family pet, Lily (a West Highland Terrier). While it is too early to make plans for the future, Nathan excels in computer, science and social studies. Nathan, we all wish you a big "Mazel Tov" when you become a Bar Mitzvah on April 15th. 4 M a r c h / A p r i l 2 0 0 0 / Adar I & Adar 2 5 7 6 0 The Megillah According To Broadway! Todah Rabah to Carol and Jeff Zucker for their kind and generous donation to Temple Beth Sholom of a new Megillah for Purim! After some hilarious rehearsals* our Thespians hit the boards! With a Standing Room Only Crowd Purim was a "Sell-Out"! Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin 5 1 Purim was a blast for young and old! Silly, spellbound, overwhelmed, loo noisy.... some of the words that describe the reactions of the crowd at Temple Beth Sholom's "Megillah According to Broadway!" 6 M a r c h / A p r i l 2000 / Adar I & Adar 2 5 760 The Purim Costumes were innovative... to say the least! Tod ah Rabah to Shelley Carroll and Lou Bouchet for their tireless efforts in making our Purim Mishloach Manot project such a huge success! "The Temple Board of Directors Appoints You Chairpersons For Life!!" Who is the fairest maiden of all, Jerry? Temple Beth Sholom left no stone unturned in ensuring that everyone enjoyed Purim! Whether you received one of the tasty Mishloach Manot Gift Bags, participated in the "Megillah According to Broadway", or were part of the SRO crowd, it was an unbelievable holiday for everyone!! ? ? ? Temple Beth Sholom would like to acknowledge the very generous donations of Susan & Hillel Aronson and Wendy & Matthew Kraft to the Purim Mishloach Manot project. Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin 7 1 Special Men's Club Projects This year, on Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Day, May 2nd, we will be honoring the six million Jews who perished in the holocaust with a very special project. Dr. Gary Markewich and his committee will be mailing out Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Day Candles to all of the Temple Beth Sholom members. Please be generous in your donation ? all funds will be used to further the educational programs of our Temple. The Men's Club of Temple Beth Sholom is undertaking a very important project on behalf of our Temple. The goal is to raise one million dollars to build and maintain a Mikveh at the new Temple. The funds will be raised in a very unique man-ner. Members of our Temple are invited to have the names of family and friends inscribed either wishing them health and long life or in memory of departed relatives and friends who are no longer with us. There is a limited amount of space for inscriptions; if you are interested in being a part of this very meaningful project please fill out the form below and return it to the Temple Office as soon as possible. The cost of inscribing each set of names is S5.000. If you would like to honor a husband and wife ? that would be one set of names; if you are honoring two separate individuals ? the cost would be $5,000 per name. Each year, after the names have been inscribed, you will be invited to a banquet to honor those who have contributed to this most worthwhile project. Yes, / would like to honor my family/friends. Name(s) to be inscribed in a Torah Scroll Hebrew names of those to be inscribed Their relationship to you (ie. family, friends, etc.) Name(s) to be inscribed in a Torah Scroll Hebrew names of those to be inscribed Their relationship to you (ie. family, friends, etc.) Name(s) to be inscribed in a Torah Scroll Hebrew names of those to be inscribed Their relationship to you (ie. family, friends, etc.) ? Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ ? Please invoice me for $ ? Charge my Visa or Mastercard. Credit Card Number Expiration Date Authorized signature My name My phone number My address Please return this to the Temple Office. PO. Box 36837, Las Vegas, NV 89133-6837 ? 702.804.1333 JOIN US FOR THE DAILY MINYAN.... At The Milton I. Schwartz Hebrew Academy ? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 7:30 a.m. Sunday at 9:00 a.m ? Rosh Hodesh at 7:15 a.m. ? Friday Services at 7:30 p.m. ? Saturday at 9:00 a.m. MMMNMN 8 M a r c h / A p r i l 2000 / Adar I & Adar 2 5 760 Our Women's League in Action... Ifeel very fortunate to be President of Women's League at this time. Working together as a team of dedicated women, we have accomplished so much. I recently had the opportunity to attend the Women's League Pacific Southwest Branch Torah Fund luncheon. It was quite thought provoking and inspirational. The national organization of Women's League is a wonderful group, providing tremendous support and assistance to us. I, person-ally, am very grateful to them for choosing me to attend the Wagner Institute's Young Leadership pro-gram. As each month goes by, we are picking up momentum at our ongoing programs. Our progres-sive relaxation group is growing steadily, with Irving Bransky doing a wonderful job helping us cope with our many life issues. Please feel free to call me with any subject that you would like to learn more about. Education is a vital part of our Women's League, we are always searching for new things to study. We also hope to see some more of you at our morning minyan on Wednesdays. From personal experience, I can say that beginning the day with prayer, study, friends and food is invigorating. Rabbi Goodman hosts a wonderful Mishnah class after minyan. If you would like to be on the Women's League Board of Directors, or know someone who would, please call Priscilla at 253-6382. Your active support oHfa Wppoym Peens'sa hL, eSahgeurey li sH aolwniagy s appreciated. A Large Feather in the Cap of Women's League goes to our Prez.... Our Women's League President, Sheryl Honig, does a wonderful job. Now that fact has been recognized by the entire Women's League Movement ? from California to Canada! Several months ago Sheryl was one of 10 women selected countrywide to attend an important leader-ship program in New York. This March she will be a part of the "Wagner Institute Program" at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City. Within a five day period Sheryl will have the oppor-tunity to daven in a learners' minyan or put on tefillin if she chooses. There will also be an opportunity to question the great thinkers of the Conservative world over Jewish law, the changing role of women, and the meaning of God. Program participants can view Maimonidies's orig-inal signature, immerse themselves in Jewish religious life through study, davening with JTS students, making ritual objects, singing and participated in Israeli danc-ing. Shabbat will be a very unique experience for all program attendees as they welcome the Shabbat in a closely woven group of rabbinical, cantorial and edu-cation students. The Wagner Institute helps reinforce Jewish values through sessions on Jewish texts, the life cycle, and modern Jewish theology, ultimately unearthing the wonders of Judaism. We wish Sheryl a wonderful trip and look forward to sharing in the experiences that she will bring back to her Temple Beth Sholom family. If you can wok it, roll it, stir it, blend it, or bake it.... we want it! Women's League at Temple Beth Sholom is undertaking a project to benefit our new Temple. Help us compile a recipe book with tasty recipes; all proceeds will be used for the new Temple. Mail, fax or email your favorite recipes to Lindsay Alpert. If someone has a fond memory or a photo relating to the recipe, please share it with us. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR TO SUBMIT A RECIPE, contact Lindsay Alpert at: Tel. 2 2 8 - 6 8 8 1 * email: Lsherman 1 o f 4 @ a o l . c o m S^inlctf twudd li&e to tAasde, euU tAoae cvAty 6elfred to t6e H/(u*te*t '<* Jlcayue 7<vux? jlu*tc6ea*t duccc^ut! I^kxhJc you to aU tAo&e caned, udt& attended, and uduy co*ttni6uted to Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin 9 1 G.A.P. ONGOING EVENTS FOR EVERYONE 20'something Jewish Graduate Students & Professionals now have a place to meet, party and network... at any G.A.P. event! Add yourself to the G.A.P. listserv with hundreds of other friends for weekly event updates OR get a newsletter of future events by calling 661-4GAP or e-mail with your name, address and phone number. New Friends Will Quickly Follow! Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life at UNLV ATTENTION JEWISH COLLEGE STUDENTS: ? Meet new friends and old ? Network ? Attend great events ? Socialize ? Explore your heritage Hillel is in the Interfaith Student Center 4765 Brussels Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 To receive a monthly newsletter and weekly e-mails: Phone: 736-0887 or E-mail: and leave your name, address, phone and e-mail. SHABBAT 'N ME. Fridays, 9 am to 9:45 am. Come and celebrate Shabbat with your baby, infant to 3 years. It is a unique chance to watch your child learn his/her first Shabbat prayers. ISRAELI FOLK DANCING. Tuesdays, 7 pm to 8:00 pm. Join Hebrew Academy Auditorium. A out" & have some fun. BEGINNERS' HEBREW. We now have two classes for beginners. Tuesdays, 7 pm to 8:00 pm and Thursdays from 6 pm to 7 pm. Elke Sidranski will help you get started by learning basic reading and vocabulary skills. Free to Temple Beth Sholom members; $50.00 for non-members. INTERMEDIATE HEBREW. Thursdays, 7 pm to 8:00 pm. Elke Sidranski will help you improve your read-ing and vocabulary skills. Free to Temple Beth Sholom members; $50.00 for non-members. I I I I I I I C O L L E G E ? We are eager to keep your children connected "Jewishly" during their college years. Rabbi Goodman periodically sends care packages, food, birthday cards and e-mails to our college students. To ensure that your child stays "connected" please fill out this form and return it to: Temple Beth Sholom - College Residence Form ? P.O.Box 36837 ? Las Vegas, NV 89133-6837 Student's Name College/University Address Dorm/ Apt City/State/Zip School e-mail Student's e-mail ?Freshman ?Sophomore ?Junior ?Senior ?Graduate School Tel Anticipated Graduation Date 1 I I I I I I I J MOMMY N ME. Mondays, 10 am to 11 am. If you have an infant or baby up to 3 years old, come check it out! We meet in room 317 at the Hebrew Academy. Jacob Raijman at the great way to "break 10 March/April 2000 / Adar I & Adar 2 5 760 Hineini ? Campaign Contributors* THE PAST WE INHERIT, THE FUTURE WE CREATE.... In the months just passed you have heard several messages about our synagogue's future ? our prospects for a thriving membership and religious school in a facility which will continue to be a vibrant center of our con-gregational life. The time to make this beautiful vision a reality has arrived. The need to build the new synagogue for the next generation ? our most treasured legacy ? is the key message behind our appeal to you as valued members of our congregation. Please find a way to participate in the Capital Campaign. We need every member of the synagogue to join us in partnership to achieve our campaign goal of $9 5 million. We can proudly announce that our Campaign Committee has been hard at work. Pledges have now exceeded $8 million. We also know that reaching the $9 5 million mark requires a major effort. We urge you to participate in HINEINI. With your gift, we will help ensure the continuity of our congregation. Eleanor & Martin Adler Susan & Hillel Aronson Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Mrs. Irving Applebaum Lovee & Robert Arum Roberta Baiter Adele Baratz Mary & Dr. Barry Barkan Alvin Benedict William Bennett Foundation Sam Berkley Bonnie Berkowitz Seena & Jack Bernstein Evelyn Bittker z'l Arlene & Jerry Blut* Amy & Dr. Allan Boruszak Nina & Leslie Boshes Ruth & Allen Brewster* Eileen & George Brookman Sharyn & Jay Brown Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Shelley & Dr. Stanton Carroll June & Bert Colodny Al DeArmas Lee & Ed Devore Belinda & Andrew Donner Sam Dvorak Bernice & Ivan Eisenberg Mel Exber* Arlene & Bruce Famllian Rene Feinstein Lucia & Israel Feit Susan & Dr. Alan Feld Geraldine Fischer & Herbert Fischer z'l Suriva & Robert Fischer Dr. Joan Silverstein & George Foldesi Patti & Leo Frey Sylvia Friedland Michelle Gavens & Brian Maigolis Joyce & Morton Galane Terri Wilensky-Gencer & Robert S. Gencer Dee & Fred Glick Lilian & Ken Glicken Anita & Jay Goldberg Samuel Goldberg Viola & Mort Goldstein Carolyn & Oscar Goodman* Evelyn Goot Joel Goot Estate of Dorothy C. Guberman Sandy Hanson Lisa & Dan Harris Gail & Ambassador Chic Hecht Evelyn & Howard Hertz Sheryl & Stuart Honig Marlene & Maury Jones Bea Katz Brenda & Jerry Katz Mimi & George Katz Irwin Kishner Lillian & Henry Kronberg Judith Konigsberg Ishi Kunin & Terry Leavitt Yvette & Ellis Landau Debbie & Harold Lederer Judith & Philmore Leemon Deena & Dr. Steven Leibowitz Maria & Tom Letizia Fran & Leonard Levien Elaine Lewis Anita Lewy Barbara & Jim Lukasiewicz Judy & Ron Mack Jody & Michael Mack Dawn & Steven Mack Sandy & Stan Mallin Howard Martin Foundation Norman Marsh Agnes Mason Flora & Stuart Mason* Blanche & Philip Meisel Eunice & Albert Merkin Susan & Irwin Molasky Allison & Jon Morvay May Mushkin Reesa & Dr. Gerald Niznick Emily & Michael Novick D'Vorre & Hal Ober Melissa & Mitchell Ogron Gail & Hugh Olbur Minnie Orenstein Jane & Dr. Ronald Ostrove Barbara & Terry Raben Rose Raphael & Sheldon Raphael z'l Barbara & Jeffrey A. Richardson Philip Rosenberg Lynn & Arne Rosencrantz Marcy & Dr. Steven A. Saxe Julie & Mark Scheiner Faye Schulman Florence Schulman Abigail & Milton I. Schwartz Dorit & Ronnie Schwartz Priscilla Schwartz Sylvia & Howard Schwartzer Ellen Scully & Lawrence Scully z'l Evelyn Shafen Claire & Jared Shafer* Evelyn Shafer Florence & Melvin Shapiro Miriam Sharp Sharon E. Sigesmund Mona & Charles Silverman Nolan Sklute Naomi & Art Sloan Dr. Doris & Bill Soroky z'l Betsi & Dr. David Steinberg Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg Elaine & Irv Steinberg Deanne & Harold Stralser Sunbelt Communications - Jim Rogers & Melanie & Gene Greenberg* Laura Sussman Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood Brenda & Dr. Murton Strimling Hillari & Dr. Howard Tischler Carole & Jerry Turk Drs. Ellen & David Underwood Barry Vinik & Shannon Goldsmith Mary Sue & Steven Weiss Norma & Philip Wilensky Ruth & Mel Wolzinger Carole & William Zeitlin Carol & Jeffrey Zucker *Designates Past Presidents Bold Designates New Donor 'As of April 1, 2000 Temple Beth S h o l om B u l l e t i n 1 1 Tributes.... Donations From Our Hearts.... General Fund: In Honor of the birth of our son and brother, Matthew Aaron DeArmas Mary Ann & A1 DeArmas, Ronnie & Harold In Memory of Bill Soroky Anita Lewy In Memory of Phillip Antonos Celia & David Rubin In Memory of George Katz Lynn & Ame Rosencrantz In Memory of Faye Sobel Sharon, Jerry, David, Daniel, & Brian Lancz In Appreciation of our Aliyah Blanche & Phil Meisel In Appreciation of my Aliyah Dr. Bernie Dishler In Memory of Ceil Goldstein Flora & Stuart Mason In Memory of Rebecca Glicken Lee Hudson In Memory of Joseph Ruderman's Bar Mitzvah Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Ruthe Spector In Appreciation of all who sent me a Purim Mishloach Manot Basket Ruthe Spector Hazel & Harold Handelman Aliyah Fund: In Appreciation Beryl & Jerome Gottesman In Appreciation of our Aliyahs Gloria & Irv Bransky In Appreciation of my Aliyah Sam Showel In Appreciation & a Yasher Koach Ruthe Spector Building Fund: In Memory of Art Bergen Mimi Katz & George Katz z'l In Memory of Lilian & Ken Glicken's Granddaughter, Rebecca Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Arlene & Jerry Blut Shelley & Stan Carroll Dawn & Steve Mack Sandy & Stan Mallin Rose Raphael Philip Rosenberg Dr. Doris Soroky Elaine & Irv Steinberg Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg In Memory of Michael Gust Marcy & Dr. Steven A. Saxe Refuah Shlema to Cecila Bell Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Refuah Shlema to Suzie Ashkinos Louise & Jerry Appenzeller In Memory of Arlene Chaplin Marci & Jeffrey Ballin Edye & Irwin Goldberg LeVerne Witkow In Memory of Sylvia Semenoff Anita Lewy Happy Birthday to Ken Glicken Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Kathy & Moe Menasche Happy Birthday to Dawn Mack Kathy & Moe Menasche In Memory of Brandon Markewich Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Bonnie & Dr. Howard Baron Arlene & Jerry Blut Shelley & Dr. Stanton Carroll Harold DeArmas Melanie & Gene Greenberg Marlene & Maury Jones Sandy & Stan Mallin Sandy & Carl Pittle Rose Raphael Helene & Moe Rosen Marcy & Dr. Steven A. Saxe Mona & Charles Silverman Ruthe Spector Elaine & Irv Steinberg Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg The Temple Beth Sholom Men's Club Wishing Dennis Smith a Refuah Shlema Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Ellen & Paul Bodner Wishing Rabbi Goodman's Father a Refuah Shlema Lilian & Ken Glicken Ruthe Spector Mazel Tov to Nicole & Alan Weissman on the birth of their new baby boy, Blake Marcy & Dr. Steven A. Saxe Mazel Tov to Richard Schwartz on his 40th Birthday Marcy & Dr. Steven A. Saxe Mazel Tov to Ed Bernstein on the announce-ment of his candidacy for US Senate Marcy & Dr. Steven A. Saxe Happy Birthday to Lillian Kronberg Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Kathy & Moe Menasche In Memory of Arlene Chaplin Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Judy & David Applebaum Natalie & Artie Berger Arlene & Jerry Blut Lil & Henry Kronberg Sandy & Stan Mallin Elaine & Irv Steinberg In Memory of George Katz Ruth & Mel Wolzinger Marc H. Ratner Shirley Goldberg Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Arlene & Jerry Blut Steve Dorinson Dorothy & Paul Eisenberg Lilian & Ken Glicken Carolyn & Oscar Goodman Melanie Horner Phyllis & Cal Lewis Flora & Stuart Mason Mark Mushkin Helene Stadler Elaine & Irv Steinberg Valorie & Howard Stutz Roger Watson In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Steven Steinberg's Uncle, Lee Nina, Les & Fanny Boshes In Honor of our daughters, Sloane & Sklar Suriva and Bob Fischer Family Siddur Fund: In Honor of our Aunt Ida Stein's recovery Nina, Les & Fanny Boshes In Memory of Brandon Markewich Linda Wade, Counselor at Cimmiron High School Deborah & Harry Salzman Rosa & Frank Foster Ginger & Junior See Linda and Ray Miller Avi Mostyn Shoshi Mostyn Deborah & Harry Salzman Mr. & Mrs. David Bram Mazel Tov to Suriva & Bob Fischer on the baby naming of their daughters, Sloane & Skylar Jill & Mark Drucker In Honor of Louise & jerry Appenzeller's kindness to me Dr. Doris Soroky In Honor of Kim Memar's