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Jewish Federation correspondence, meeting minutes, and other records, item 04




Board Meeting minutes for the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2, 1986.

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JEWISH OF LAS FEDERATION VEGAS JFLV BOARD MEETING April 2, 1986 MINUTES PRESENT Dr. Allan Boruszak Jerry Countess Barbara Eisenberg Dorothy Eisenberg Paul Eisenberg Donald Eisner William Feldman Judy Frank Gene Greenberg Senator Bill Hernstadt Norm Kaufman Dr. Stephen Kollins Shirley Kravitz Alan Morger Hal Ober Dr. Marvin Perer Ralph Plotkin Dr. Neville Pokroy Geri Rentchler Dennis Sabbath Dr. Tamar Saposhnik Jack Super Doug Ungar Eli Welt Jackie Glass Wolfson Melanie Greenberg (Guest) ABSENT Shelley Berkley Scott Michael Cantor Michael Cherry Philip Engel Herbert Fischer David Funk Elaine Galatz Neil Galatz Ray Gold Dan Goldfarb Rabbi Mel Hecht Gershon Heller Robert Jones Stephanie Kales Edythe Katz Martin Kravitz Michael Lamont Rabbi Louis Lederman Rabbi Edward Maline Art Marshall Leonard Rosen Arne Rosencrantz George Rudiak Mike Saltman Alice Schwartz Milton Schwartz Jared Shafer Steve Stein Elaine Steinberg Irv Steinberg Dr. David Wasserman Gerald Welt The meeting was called to order by President Hal Ober at 8:00 p*m. He informed the Board of the present condition of Lloyd Katz whose prognosis at this time was very critical. Eli Welt and Norm Kaufman were asked to give an update report on the Campaign. New gifts brought in a total, thus far, of $87,000 which is outstanding. There are 517 new gifts which constitute a good basis for future years. Because of 1030 East Twain Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 (702) 732-0556RE: JFLV Board meeting April 2, 1986 page 2 some economic set backs by two or three of our large contributors, we had a short fall of about $150,000 which had to be-made up. However, on a card by card basis, we are up by about 25%. Last year the general and women's division brought in about $745,000. At the present time we are just under $700,000, but are confident by the end of the year to bring in the outstanding $80,000. These are people who never give their money until the end of the year. At the present time, for our allocation purposes which will be coming up shortly, we will be looking at a number very much like last year. Norm Kaufman has a few things planned for the next few months which should bring in some money....the Golf Tournament on May 14 at the Showboat Country Club; and, a few new people to contact regarding their pledge. Melanie Greenberg was called upon for the Women's Division report. She gave a brief outline of their last event...the Mother/Daughter Luncheon on March 30. Total to date this year was $178,169 which represents 452 gifts. This is an increase of $10,315 over last year. Since there are still a few gifts to be collected, it is felt the Women's Division would wind up with at least a total of $180,000. Hal then referred to a copy of a Resolution by the Board of Trustees of the Federation in Philadelphia.first published in April 1979. This resolution states "multiple fundraising campaigns of any nature, during the course of the year, create an excessive burden upon the community and a conflict upon the time -of its leadership. Such conflicts are not in the best interests of our community." The Executive Board met, approved this resolution and recommended that we publish this in our newspaper. Included in the publication should be the dates in which the Federation campaign takes primacy. It should also be published again in the Fall so that every local agency will have an opportunity to plan its campaign. It is not JFLV's intention to inhibit any agency from having its own fundraiser, and they will limit their own campaign to the shortest time possible. * After much discussion, a motion was made that this resolution be adopted and that copies should be sent to all those Board members not present for their approval. At the time of publication, this resolution will list the names of all Board members. Jerry Countess gave his report of the last meeting in Ashdod attended by re?presentatives of the three cities (Las Vegas, Phoenix and Orange County) re?garding Project Renewal. As a result of Project Renewal, Ashdod is now operating independently.?..and is very proud and happy with its success. Jerry also reported on the visit of Dan Scheuftan. He will be at the Federation for a luncheon on April 3. Mr. Scheuftan, a Research Fellow at the Harry S. Truman Research Institute, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is a noted lecturer on Israeli- Arab Affairs, and consultant on middle eastern affairs to Senators, Congressmen, legislative assistants, heads of political parties from Europe, etc. Though - everyone is invited, it is imperative that they call the Federation office so that the appropriate arrangements can be 3 RE: JFLV Board meeting April 2, 1986 Dorothy Eisenberg reported on a recent committee meeting of the Community Relations Committee. John Rothmann was the guest speaker. She mentioned that in its quiet way the CRC has been actively involved in writing letters to our legislators on several issues. The CRC's next meeting is scheduled for April when Ralph Nurnberger will be in town. She also referred to "thank you" letters from UNLV and the Community College for our donation to their libraries, and from Amnesty?International for our participation in helping on the ratification of the Genocide Convention. Hal Ober referred to the recommendations made by the National/lnternational Allocations committee, chaired by Gerry Welt. He asked the Board to look this over for their approval. Dr. Allan Boruszak explained how the committee made a determination on allocations This year most stayed the same except for the increase to the National Conference on Soviet Jewry. Following discussion, a motion was made to accept these alloca?tions by Paul Eisenberg and seconded by Don Eisner. It was approved unanimously. Bill Hernstadt made a strong pitch for people -to travel to Israel now. Even though there has been terrorist activity deterring travel to Europe, he stressed Israel's security and the fact that visitors are safe there. It was also stressed that, because of the terrorist problem, tourism is down, and this is most important for Israel. Since there was no further business, Hal Ober adjourned the meeting.