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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, October 1999



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Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin We're Building, Building and Building... We invite you to stop by and see the wonderful progress that has been made since the summer. Walk the site and see where the Bimah will be, our classrooms, and where you will be sitting for Rosh HaShanah in the year 2000! This is an exciting time for our congregation. The location is 10700 Havenwood Lane and Town Center Drive. Drive by and see for yourself! Mark Your Calendar . TRIBUTE.... On December 12, 1999, Temple Beth Sholom will hold their annual gala at the Four Seasons Hotel. We are proud to honor Carolyn and Mayor Oscar Goodman. Their work in our community's education, civic and Jewish Affairs has contributed greatly to the growth and success of this city. Please mark the date to join us in honoring this dynamic couple. For more information, or to place an ad in the evening's commemorative journal contact Louise Appenzeller at the Beth Sholom office, 804-1333 (phone) or (e-mail). Be a part of this important event and help us to continue the programs and services offered by Temple Beth Sholom to our community for over 50 years. Temple Beth Sholom is a Conservative Congregation Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Visit us on our web page: INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2 Message from the Rabbi 3 Get Involved Minyan Schedule 4 Message from the President Sandy's Wish List/PTA Forming 5 Committees in Action 6 News for the Younger Members 7 Religious School Update 8 Notes, News, Thank You Get Connected... Visit our Website 9 A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words 10, II, 13, 14 Contributions 15 Community Bulletin Board October 1999 ? Tishrei 5760 23rd Edition A Message I rom Rabbi Felipe Goodman Alone in the Crowd In the Torah lesson of this season today, we have a story which most people relegate to study by children. It is the story of Adam and Eve and the creation of the world. We assume that these teachings are for children in Sunday School. We forget that the opening chapters of the Bible contain an entire philosophy of human life. They set forth the character of man's existence and the rules by which people have to live. The Torah reading enunciates a truth which is valid today, as it was thousands of years ago. God said: "It is not good for man to be alone." This is a law of human nature. We are so constituted that we cannot exist if we are alone. The wardens of prisons and reformatories report that there is no need to inflict physical punishment on prisoners regardless of how wild or destructive they may be. There is one penalty that in the minds of the penologists is more severe and more tormenting to the prisoner than any other. It is solitary confinement. The strongest man, if left alone with no contact with other human beings, can within a short time become totally demoralized. It is painful for people to be alone. There is something in the human character that requires us to relate to others. The strange fact about this truth is that we moderns have a tendency to isolate ourselves and to do the very things that destroy us. We must never be deceived by numbers. You can be most lonely in the midst of a crowd. One can visit a big city and walk its crowded streets and be completely isolated. The most lonely person in the world may be surrounded by hundreds of people. There is a frightful tendency in modern civilization to violate this rule of the Bible that man must not be alone. We have created numerous devices to isolate ourselves. There was a time when people who lived on one street knew each other. Even when houses were not so close to each other, people would know all their neighbors. They associated with them, and related to them in many friendly capacities. Today we live in high-rise apartment buildings. How close we are physically to the other residents of a large apartment building! I have seen a messenger boy come to a building that houses many families and ask one of the residents, "Does so and so live here?" The embarrassed answer is, "To tell you the truth, I don't know." We have no knowl- edge of our own neighbors. The tragedy is that we want it that way. We insulate our lives from any contact with others without realizing that in that process we are destroying the relationships that make life interesting and beautiful. Modern literature speaks of lonely crowds, of people who do not want to be concerned with the affairs of others. We are confronting a devastating tragedy because we violate the Torah's cardinal rule of existence. How can we avoid being alone? First, we must overcome our tendency towards selfishness. A young boy was walking in the street, holding a beautiful apple. An elderly man met him and said, "That looks like a delicious apple." The boy replied, "It certainly is, and I intend to eat it." The man asked the boy, "Tell me, how could you enjoy twice as much pleasure with this apple?" The boy replied, "Very simply, if you will give me another apple I'll have double pleasure." The man, "You are mistaken. I will tell you how you can have double pleasure from that one apple. Cut it in half and give half of it away. You will then discover that the additional pleasure will come from the fact that your friend is eating the other half of the apple together with you." The pleasures we receive in life are not increased by doubling them for ourselves, but by sharing what we enjoy with others. This is a simple paradoxical rule. You double your joys by sharing them with others. The second rule to prevent being alone is to join with others in doing worthwhile things. Many of us shy away from involvement. We are reluctant to become involved in the community, in a synagogue, a charity, or a philanthropic endeavor. We are afraid of assuming additional burdens, but the reward is the gratification that results from sharing concerns and participating in the worthwhile projects of life. There are people who have every reason to feel that they are alone. A woman in this community escaped as a refugee from Europe together with her husband. When her husband died she commented, "If you have never met a person who is totally alone, you are looking at one now." She had no relatives or family. She was one person alone in the world. We made some suggestions to her. One was that she become a volunteer in one of the hospitals where she could give of herself to others. She accepted this advice. We saw her in recent days. There was a look of contentedness and vitality in her eyes. She spoke with animation of the many friends she had made. She eagerly looks forward to the hours that she can spend in the service of others. continued on page 3 This is a great truth. There is no lonesomeness when people forget their own selves, when they forego their private concerns and apply themselves to activities which give joy to others. 2 October 1999 / Tishrei 5760 2 The High Holy Days ? 5760.,. The Sound of the Shofar. A New Year Begins...5760! > Do You Like Our New Look? mmMsmmmamm s %mmm%m. ^^^MawaiwwMWMM^ The Bulletin has a new designer, Sylvia Pear. A recent newcomer to Las Vegas, she and husband Bob are one of our new members. Suggestions for future enhancements may be directed to the Temple office or to Sylvia Pear. The deadline for November's issue is October 27th. Please submit your typed articles either to the Temple Beth Sholom office or directly to Sylvia. To contact the office, please call Louise Appenzeller at 804-1333 or via e-mail at Sylvia can be reached via phone/fax at 838-8689 or by e-mail at We reserve the right to edit copy and use articles as space permits. We welcome both new and old advertisers. If you would like to place an advertisement for services, please contact us so that we can reserve your space. See page 15 for yearly ad rates. If you would like to become a patron and help defray the costs of the newsletter, we would like to hear from you! The cost is only $100 per year. Message From The Rabbi from page 2 This is a great truth. There is no lonesomeness when people forget their own selves, when they forego their private concerns and apply themselves to activities which give joy to others. The Torah reminds us that man must not be alone. Indeed nobody is alone, because ultimately we have the assurance of our religion that man is not alone when God is present. This is the great truth. Man must know that there is an invisible presence in the world which banishes isolation. May we have that wisdom to discover the relationships that make for happiness of life. May we learn to share with our neighbors and our friends in the community. Above all, may we associate and be identified with our synagogues, our charities, our hospitals and our schools. In the process of building a better world we shall create not only for others but also for ourselves. ?Rabbi Felipe Goodman GET INVOLVED.... JOIN A COMMITTEE & BE A PART OF THE TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM FAMILY.... Call the Office at 804-1333 for further information & to volunteer your time & your talents! BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERSHIP Dr. Steven Leibowitz Shelley Carroll BUDGET & FINANCE PERSONNEL Maury Jones Dr. Steven Saxe CHESED COMMITTEE: RITUAL Rose Raphael & Gene Greenberg Faye Steinberg SISTERHOOD COLLEGE REACH OUT Sheryl Honig Rabbi Goodman YOUTH DIRECTOR FUND RAISING Dr. David Underwood Elaine Steinberg JOIN US FOR THE DAILY MINYAN.... At The Milton I. Schwartz Hebrew Academy ? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 7:30 a.m. Sunday at 9:00 a.m ? Rosh Hodesh at 7:15 a.m. ? Friday Services at 7:30 p.m. ? Saturday at 9:00 a.m. HH?i 3 Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin 3 A Message From The President.,., ~W~ ~W~ ow does a temple President r?-M write an article about the huge JL JL successes of this High Holiday Season without the appearance of boasting? It would be difficult, except you all were there and were witness to the wonderful services. I cannot list the names of all who helped, lest I forget someone, therefore, my thanks to the clergy, the ushers, the office staff, those who participated in the children's service, the Resort at Summerlin and you, our congregants, for making these holidays so spectacular. When I write of the holidays, I include the Sukkot, and Simchas Torah festivities. Never before have I witnessed such a spirit at Temple Beth Sholom. In order to keep the high spirits of the congregation, we have many more programs planned. To name a few: the Men's lunch with UNLV coach John Robinson; our Tribute Gala, honoring Carolyn and Mayor Oscar Goodman; and the Champagne Shabbat on New Year's Eve. My sincerest thanks to those members who came forward with contributions for the Capital Campaign and Kol Nidre Campaign. I know the excitement you must feel being a part of this momentous project. We will be marking the milestones of our construction shortly with special events at the site. Once again, thank you all for your support of our Temple. Marcia & Lawrence Bergenfield Shirley & Sidney Chaplin June & Bert Coiodny Suzanne & Dr. Allen Feld Lillian & Henry Kronberg Debbie & Harold Lederer Hylda & Murray Leitner Dr. Doris & Bill Soroky Elaine & Irv Steinberg Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg If you would like to become a Patron, the Cost is $100 per year. Please call Louise at the Temple Office, 804-1333 and let her know that you would also like to provide financial assistance this year. . : ?' . . . I : : : ? . : Sandu's Wish List.... ........ .... ? ... ........ Our Temple is like a growing child, it always needs "new things". Right now we could use another computer and a van. Perhaps you are upgrading your computer system, or your employer is upgrading and needs room for new equipment. Whatever the case, please call the synagogue and let us know what is available. Remember, not only will you be doing a Mitzvah for the Synagogue, you too can benefit by taking a tax write-off for the items you donate. The other item on my wish list right now is a van. We would prefer one that is in good working condition. If you have a neighbor who is relocating, or a family that no longer needs such a large vehicle, ask them to considering donating it to the Temple. As you house clean this fall let us know if there are items that need a new home and are in good working condition. Thank you in advance. COMMITTEE-IN-FORMATION_ We would like to form an active Parent Teacher Association (PTA) for our Pre-School and Religious School. Anyone who is interested is invited to contact either Jacob Raijman, Administrator/Education Director at the Temple office, 804-1333 or Sandy Mallin, our Temple President at 732-8623. Whether you have a child in our school or not, we welcome your ideas and input. So, please call and let us know that you are interested in being a part of a very worthwhile committee, a committee dedicated to our future? our children! 4 2 October 1999 / Tishrei 5760 Temple Beth Shoiom Committees in Action? The Chesed Committee... Temple Beth Shoiom is a family. We share our sorrows and our joys. We want to know when special attention is needed by a member of our congregation. Please inform us of your joyour events, as well as those moments when we can offer consolation and provide assistance. We have begun our weekly hospital visits and have found that the patients we see have done more for us then we have done for them! They express their appreciation for our visits and are thrilled with the Shabbat bag we leave for them. The mitzvah of visiting the sick touches the lives of everyone involved.. If you would like to serve on this committee, please contact either Rose Raphael at 897-9804 or Faye Steinberg at 228-7033. Sisterhood News... It is hard to believe that the High Holy Days are over and Fall has arrived! So much is happening in our Sisterhood and our synagogue. Many new members have joined us, willing to help and participate in any way they can. Our Game Night was such a success that we have scheduled another one for November. The luncheon in September at the Hungry Hunter Restaurant brought out many of our newest members. Our guest speaker, Jodi Fonfa, motivated many of us to begin a new exercise routine, no matter what our age or physical condition. More than 40 women attended this event. The food and service were wonderful. We all look forward to returning for a future event. Lil Kronberg has graciously offered her home for our next meeting on October 20th. We look forward to learning the art of flower arranging. Nancy Colen, a fellow Sisterhood member, has volunteered to teach us, then help us make our own flower arrangements, if we so desire. With the holidays soon to be here, flower arrangements make a wonderful gift. As some people have to leave lunch meetings early to pick up children, do errands, etc., we will try a brunch program starting an hour earlier. We do hope to see you there. On October 23 we have a Havdalah Service, along with an exciting discussion program planned. Amelia Lev, another one of our Sisterhood members, has offered her home and hospitality. For those who have neve* experienced a Havdalah service, it is something very special to share with friends and family. Our Chanukah bazaar in November will soon be here. Please call Kim Memar at 646-5401 if you know any vendors that would be interested in selling. We know from your response that this will be a very successful event. Please feel free to call with any suggestions or ideas that you might have. We look forward to a wonderful year 5760. ? Sheryl Honig, Sisterhood President Any Football Fans Out There? Please join the Men of Temple Beth Shoiom for a special Luncheon with UNLV Coach, John Robinson. This event will take place Thursday, October 21st at 11:30 a.m. at the Las Vegas Country Club. Couvert: $20 per person. For more information and to make reservations, please contact the Event Chairman, Irwin Goldberg at 243-3349. NEVADA CARDIOLOGY ASSOCIATES SPECIALISTS IN COMPREHENSIVE CARDIOVASCULAR CARE MARTIN D. SCHAJFFER, MD, FACC, FACP SERGE J. DADOURlAN, MD, FACC FOAD MOAZEZ, MD, FACC SAMUEL E. GREEN, MD, FACC SEAN S. AMELi, MD, FACC JEFFREY B. GITLIN, MD PATRICK C. HSU, MD 3121 S. Maryland Pkwy. Suite 512 Las Vegas. NV 89109 (702) 796-7150 3150 N. Tenaya Way Suite 460 Las Vegas. NV 89128 (702) 233-1000 www.nevadacardiology. com Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin 5 Octolt&i 15, puun 5:30-7 p.m. <U the tJlebtew- Academy Qajcuf, a Piffla ^buute/i & Jlaue fyiwt at the. Pettuuf, Jaa (ISVP to. Kim 646-5401. MOMMY & ME.... MONDAYS..... Join our "Crawlers" from 9 a.m to 9:45 am. ? "Runners" meet from 10 a.m. to 11:00 am. FRIDAYS..... We are very happy to introduce our new SHABBAT & Me PROGRAM Join us on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. For ages 4 months to 3 years All classes meet in Room 317 at the Hebrew Academy. Call the Temple Office at 804-1333 to reserve your place in this fun-time program for you and your child. U.S.Y. & KADIMA It's hard to believe that the High Holy Days have already come and gone! I hope everyone is off to a great start in the New Year. This month begins another fun year of youth activities. As your Youth Director, I am looking forward to seeing everyone again. Over the High Holy Days I met many of our new Temple Beth Sholom youth. It will be great to have you involved in our programs! Most of our religious school students between the fourth through seventh grades are active in our youth groups. Our youth groups build lasting Jewish friendships. If you are not receiving mailings about our youth programs please call the Temple office at 804-1333 and ask to be added to our mailing list. See you at this month's youth events! ? Barbara Lukasiewicz, Youth Director The First 1999/2000 "TALMUD & FRIENDS" will be held October 14th at 7:00 p.m. Reserve Your Place By Calling the Temple Office: 804-1333. Planning a Bar or Bat Mitzvah? BAR AND BAT MITZVAH DATES FOR THE YEARS 2000 AND 2001 ARE FILLING UP FAST! IF YOUR CHILD FALLS INTO THIS CATEGORY, PLEASE MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH RABBI GOODMAN SO WE CAN SCHEDULE THIS MILESTONE IN YOUR CHILD'S LIFE! COLLEGE? re are eager to keep your children connected "Jewishly" during their college years. Rabbi Goodman periodically sends care packages, food, birthday cards and e-mails to our college students. To ensure that your child stays "connected" please fill out this form and return it to: Temple Beth Sholom - College Residence Form ? P.O.Box 36837 ? Las Vegas, NV 89133-6837 Student's Name............................. College/University........................... Address............................................................................ Dorm/Apt........................................................................... City/State/Zip........................................................................ School e-mail.................. Student's e-mail ........ ?Freshman GSophomore Ojunior dSenior GGraduate School Tel. Anticipated Graduation Date 6 2 October 1999 / Tishrei 5760 Religious School Education Update? When I was a little kid they introduced the circus to me, and what I liked most in the circus was the animals. I found that most of my attention was on the elephant. During the show, the enormous beast exhibited his size, weight and extraordinary force. But, after his performance, and prior to his. returning to the center stage, the elephant was left alone and was only held in place by a chain that imprisoned one of his legs to a small wooden stake.The chain was very thick and quite powerful. It was obvious to me that this huge animal could have easily used its strength and force to remove the entire tree and flee. The mystery is evident. Why does the elephant stay in place? Why does it not flee? When I was five or six years old I asked a teacher, my father and my uncles what was the reason that the elephant did not flee. Some of them explained that the elephant did not escape because it was trained. If this is so, then why did they chain the elephant to a stake? No one gave me a coherent answer. The mystery of the elephant has remained with me. Years later I came upon a wise person who explained to me his interpretation. He said the elephant did not escape because it has been tied to one of the stakes since it was very small. I closed my eyes and imagined a newborn baby being treated similarly. I imagined how the baby elephant must have pushed and pulled trying to loosen the grasp the chain had on it and yet he could not, in Each one of us is a little like the elephant We go through this world tied to hundreds of stakes that reduce our freedom. We live thinking that we are not capable of certain achievements and we base this on the fact that we attempted something and did not succeed spite of all the force he applied. I imagined the elephant doing this everyday without any luck. Finally, the elephant sadly resigned itself to its destiny. This enormous and powerful elephant does not escape because it thinks that it cannot. The baby elephant lost the value of its importance immediately after its birth. It never attempted to regain its place of importance, but rather accepted what it thought was its destiny. Each one of us is a little like the elephant. We go through this world tied to hundreds of stakes that reduce our freedom. We live thinking that we are not capable of certain achievements and we base this on the fact that we attempted something and did not succeed. We record it in our memory and the next time we have the opportunity to try we don't because we remember that we once failed. We say, "I cannot and I will never be able." We carry that message in our brain and impose this way of thinking upon ourselves and never try again. The only way to succeed and know that we can is to try again and again, putting forth our every effort. I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to ask you to help this little elephant change the way of thinking about Jewish education for our children and for ourselves; age doesn't matter when it comes to breaking the stake! Jacob Raijman, Administrator/Education Director TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SCHEDULE SUNDAYS: GRADES: Pre K-l, 2-3, 4-5, 6-7 TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS: GRADES: 2-3, 4-5, 6-7 meet Tues. fit Thurs. OCTOBER 10, 17, 24, 31 NOVEMBER 7, 14, 21 DECEMBER 5, 1 2 OCTOBER 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28 NOVEMBER 2, 4, 9, 16, 18, 23, 30 DECEMBER 2, 7, 9, 14, 16 Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin 7 Can You Spare Some Time? The JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE AGENCY needs volunteers to help the elderly. If you can spare some time, please volunteer to: ? Be a Friendly Visitor, or ? Provide Transportation or Shopping Assistance, or ? Be a Phone Friend and Provide Telephone Reassurance Call Lorraine Rubenstein, Volunteer Coordinator, at 732-0304 and share some time with others. The Jewish Genealogy Society The Jewish Genealogy Society of Southern Nevada meets on Sundays. For more information on meetings, contact Charlotte at 363-8230 during the day. After 6 p.m. contact Carole at 871-9773. A list of upcoming meetings includes: Sunday, October 17, 1999 Discussion of the Holocaust survivors and the film, "The Long Way Home" Sunday, November 21, 1999 (To Be Announced) Sunday, December 19, 1999 "Me and My Genealogy Program " We Want to Share Your Joys! We want to celebrate with you. Please consider sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush to commemorate a wonderful event in your life! We Want to Share Your Sorrows, Also... Temple Beth Sholom is a family. We share our sorrows and our joys. Please let us know when special attention is needed by a member of our congregation. Inform us of your joyous events and those moments when we can offer consolation and provide assistance. Call the office at 804-1333 and keep us informed. Need A Ride to Get to Shul? Transportation from the East side of town is available each Saturday morning at 8:15 a.m. from the Griffith Methodist Church parking lot, 1705 East Oakey Boulevard, to the Milton I. Schwartz Hebrew Academy. A Big Thank You.... Our sincere appreciation to those who made our Simchat Torah Celebration so successful and so delicious.... Susan Aronson ? Liz Goodman ? Faye Steinberg And for their valuable help in the office, thanks to Bonnie Rogers ? Maury Jones Get ConnectedHI www.bethsholomlv^org On our website you will find all the information you need about our Temple, including lifecycle events, membership, Jewish Holy Days, etc. The website also includes a section of books recommended by Rabbi Goodman, as well as some of his recent sermons. If you want to know about activities or programming in our Hebrew School, you can also access this information online. In addition, we will soon be adding a list of the most useful and interesting Jewish links on the internet. We have also entered into a spe cial partnership with AMAZON.COM, the largest bookstore in the world. AMAZON.COM can be reached through the internet. They have one of the most wonderful selections of books for sale, including a truly superb Judaica section. We have a link to AMAZON.COM on our website. Everytime you enter AMAZON.COM and purchase a book by linking through them to our website, a small percentage will be donated to Temple Beth Sholom. If you have ever HittiMMn? r 1 bought a book from AMAZON.COM or are "^V, planning to buy one in the future, please try to enter their store through the multiple links P provided on our website. Our internet presence *is rapidly growing and constantly changing, so please visit us online as often as possible. 8 Notes & News 2 October 1999 / Tishrei 5760 Meet Some New Members and Friends,,, Margaret Bouchet, Lou Bouchet, Frannie Abeles, Stephen Abeles, Ronnie & Neil Schwartz, Suzie & Steve Ashkinos. Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin 9 The New Member Dessert at Tournament Players Club The Tournament Players Club provided the ideal backdrop for a get together of Temple Beth Sholom representatives and some of our many new members. The evening provided an opportunity for Staff and Board Members to speak with newcomers to our community. We welcome all of you... those who are new to Las Vegas and those who are new to our Temple. We look forward to working together with you to meet your needs as we build our Temple and expand our family Jewishly into the 21st Century. THE PAST WE INHERIT, THE FUTURE WE CREATE.... In the months just passed you have heard several messages about our synagogue's future ? our prospects for a thriving membership and religious school in a facility which will continue to be a vibrant center of our congregational life. The time to make this beautiful vision a reality has arrived. The need to build the new synagogue for the next generation ? our most treasured legacy ? is the key message behind our appeal to you as valued members of our congregation. Please find a way to participate in the Capital Campaign. We need every member of the synagogue to join us in partnership to achieve our campaign goal of $9.5 million. We can proudly announce that our Campaign Committee has been hard at work. Pledges have now exceeded $8 million. We also know that reaching the $9.5 million mark requires a major effort. We urge you to participate in HINEINI. With your gift, we will help ensure the continuity of our congregation. Eleanor & Martin Adler Susan & Hillel Aronson Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Dr. Miriam & Sheldon Adelson Lovee & Robert Arum Adele Baratz Mary & Dr. Barry Barkan Alvin Benedict William Bennett Foundation Sam Berkley Bonnie Berkowitz *Nancy & Ed Bernstein Seena & Jack Bernstein Evelyn Bittker z'l ?Arlene & Jerry Blut Amy & Dr. Allan Boruszak *Ruth & Allen Brewster Eileen & George Brookman Sharyn & Jay Brown Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Shelley & Dr. Stanton Carroll June & Bert Colodny Al DeArmas Belinda & Andrew Donner *Mel Exber Rene Feinstein Lucia & Israel Feit Susan & Dr. Alan Feld Geraldine Fischer & Herbert Fischer z'l Patti & Leo Frey Sylvia Friedland Michelle Gavens & Brian Margolis Joyce & Morton Galane Lilian & Ken Glicken Anita & Jay Goldberg Samuel Goldberg 'Carolyn & Oscar Goodman Joel Goot Sandy Hanson Lisa & Dan Harris Gail & Ambassador Chic Hecht Evelyn & Howard Hertz Sheryl & Stuart Honig Marlene & Maury Jones Bea Katz Mimi & George Katz Irwin Kishner Lillian & Henry Kronberg Ishi Kunin & Terry Leavitt Yvette & Ellis Landau Debbie & Harold Lederer Judith & Philmore Leemon Deena & Dr. Steven Leibowitz Maria & Tom Letizia Elaine Lewis Anita Lewy Barbara & Jim Lukasiewicz Judy & Ron Mack Jody & Michael Mack Dawn & Steven Mack Sandy & Stan Mallin Howard Martin Foundation Agnes Mason ?Flora & Stuart Mason Blanche & Philip Meisel Susan & Irwin Molasky May Mushkin Reesa & Dr. Gerald Niznick Emily & Michael Novick D'Vorre & Hal Ober Mitchell Ogron Gail & Hugh Olbur Minnie Orenstein Jane & Dr. Ronald Ostrove Barbara & Terry Raben Rose Raphael & Sheldon Raphael z'l Philip Rosenberg Lynn & Arne Rosencrantz Marcy & Dr. Steven A. Saxe Julie & Mark Scheiner Faye Schulman Abigail & Milton I. Schwartz Dorit & Ronnie Schwartz Priscilla Schwartz Ellen Scully & Lawrence Scully z'l *Claire & Jared Shafer Florence & Melvin Shapiro Miriam Sharp Sharon E. Sigesmund Mona & Charles Silverman Naomi & Art Sloan Dr. Doris & Bill Soroky Betsi & Dr. David Steinberg Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg Elaine & Irv Steinberg Deanne & Harold Stralser Sunbelt Communications - Jim Rogers & *Melanie & Gene Greenberg Laura Sussman Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood Brenda & Dr. Murton Strimling Carole & Jerry Turk Drs. Ellen & David Underwood Barry Vinik & Shannon Goldsmith Mary Sue & Steven Weiss Norma & Philip Wilensky Ruth & Mel Wolzinger Carole & William Zeitlin Carol & Jeffrey Zucker 'Designates Past Presidents Bold Designates New Donor *As of October 1, 1999 THE FOLLOWING NAMES WERE INADVERTENTLY OMITTED FROM THIS YEAR'S BOOK OF MEMORY PERPETUAL PLAQUES: Benjamin Horowitz Ida Horowitz John Sala In Memory Of Paul Vichengrad Rose Vichengrad Remembered by: Harvey Vichengrad Barbara Vichengrad In Memory Of Nathan Zissman Nina Zissman Max Goldberg Evelyn Goldberg Remembered by: Anita & Jay Goldberg In Memory Of Ann Chafetz Carl Chafetz Remembered by: Susan and Harris Berger In Memory Of Samuel Kishner Ida Beatrice Kishner Dr. Martin Kishner Herman Kishner Mitchel Kishner Leo Wilner Remembered by: Irwin, Sharon and Joanna Kishner In Memory Of Marion Devore Phillip Devore Andrew Devore Sylvia Hill Lawrence Devore Remembered by: Estelle Lee & Edward Devore 10 2 October 1999 / Tishrei 5760 Hineini ? Campaign Contributors* KOL NIDRE DONATION In Appreciation of our High Holy Day Honor and Our New Son Sue & Scott Langsner GENERAL FUND From the Heart Brenda & Jerome Katz In Appreciation of my Aliyah and Misheberach Morris Berman In Appreciation of our Aliyah on Rosh Hashanah June & Bert Colodny Refuah Shlema to Marlene Jones Esther Frankenstein In Appreciation of All Who Made It Such a Splendid Holiday Observance Sam Gewercer In Honor of Viola & Mort Goldstein Alma & Rabbi Hershel Brooks In Appreciation of the Warm Welcome We Received to Our New Community Wendy, Matt, Elyse & Emma Kraft Happy & Healthy 75th Birthday Charlotte Krentzel Shirley Goldberg & Family To Sandy Mallin for Being Such a "Devoted President and Her Continued Kindness to Me " Anita Lewy In Honor of My Aliyah on Yom Kippur Anita Lewy CHESEP FUND Zenaida & Thomas Moran In Honor of Melissa & Mitch Ogron's New Home Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg In Honor of Blanche & Phillip Meisel's New Home Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg YIZKOR Dorothy Ellis Barry Kirsh Marilyn & Herbert Roth Joseph Wrobel Gloria & Irv Bransky BUILDING FUND In Appreciation of Flora & Stuart Mason s Kindness Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Lillian & Henry Kronberg In Appreciation of Lynn & Arnie Rosen era tz' Kindness Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Lillian & Henry Kronberg In Honor of Our Son David Chanting the Haftorah on Rosh Hashanah Shelley & Dr. Stanton Carroll Refuah Shlema to Ruth Canfield Dr. Doris & Bill Soroky In Honor of the Birth of Skylar & Sloane Fisher Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Sandy & Stan Mallin In Honor of the Marriage of JoAnn Oppenheimer to Kenneth Gore Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Dr. Doris & Bill Soroky In Memory of Margaret Rizley Wendy, Matt, Elyse & Emma Kraft In Honor of Our Son Paul's Bar Mitzvah Lawrence Rosenberg & Family In Honor of Adam Brustein Being Such a Wonderful Bal Korah Ruthe Spector In Honor of Mort Karsh Directing People to th